Writing Symphony
It's more about the understanding of the material. Many composers I was also listening to a lot is not enough when it comes to creating a real symphony or concerto. Because I believe they misunderstood the music in general. I'm not saying all is bad, I'm just saying we need to look at music more about the Universe and the knowledge behind this Universe not some harmony rules or copying others. We need to question everything and know that each day is a different day. Maybe tomorrow is the last day for me or maybe there is no death, maybe we are endless beings. It's important to know the music has a very high level understanding of others. We can understand many thing without even talking with just music and we can also express ourselves to others with this way. Sound is everything.
And writing a small composition or orchestra is a very different thing. You need to know each line you create has to speak its own language, not some chords or modal movements. The music itself is life, we need to hear it.