On March 30th 2023 Ahmet Piristina Cultural Center Concert - Living Debussy and Schoenberg
When I think about Debussy and his contribution to the World is something I can't ignore and his dreamy (yet fantastic) chordal movements and arpeggios are something I have been using since I focused on the "living ones" which I live with them inside me. I'm not saying I'm copying them but getting the model of what they had done since my life is limited with an age that impossible to study everything and come with something super new. Instead of understanding the between the ages and centuries and the effect of the each other. That's an absolute mind for sure and my purpose of getting something new into the music stay on this fundamental of the Life.
And in this particular concert I will be using more elements from this way of doing things with also another music creator, a way creator which is very important Schoenberg. It's still I don't find many people who enjoys his beautiful music but let's look at from this perspective, the movies the scenes come with many materials from Debussy and Schoenberg. It doesn't have to be a 10 minutes of concerto or something long enough to understand the total musical value there, but even 10 seconds of Schoenberg's or Debussy's contribution to the World is there. Those two way of music Expressionism and Impressionism are actually very important steps in the history of humankind. I say it "humankind" because people love each other and feel more way of feeling things with the things inside of them but way of using the human is a much better machine (let's make it very very simple) with the value of things from the art World that immensely improving the Life on the planet Earth.
In this concert I will be playing more of those 2 elements with the variations of the themes and melodic lines that's also chordal movements when it comes to the general picture. We can also call it Fugue.