Moving to USA in 2010
It's a very long story how everything began. And when I looked back from the point I'm standing now it's hard to say everything happened in once and I'm grateful for everybody to show me and helped me to reached what I have nowadays.
My childhood wasn't so happy and I was mostly alone in my own ways of doing things. Now, I understand the Universe was following me and it's the biggest chance and gift to anybody to receive it. I still want to believe that everybody is qual and when I look at the jobs in the World what I see is that I can do many of them and I also did in USA more than music. And what I find is that I love science, math and the visionary things on Earth. And yes the piano and the music in general when it comes to classical music I see a huge misunderstanding in the concept of this particular music. If there is one music for the Universe and God, it must be classical music. I say this but also I say that I'm so sure if what I do is completely classical music. Maybe it's finished at some point and the music I'm making something completely new to Earth. I have no idea if I can see people are listening my music while my body is here. People are listening for sure but I'm talking about the whole World because I believe this thing must be known for everybody because everybody can find something from it and enjoy it and learn their things better with this thing.
Moving USA, started while I was a student at Dokuz Eylul University around 2006-7. First I went to Italy (Siena Jazz) and I met there great musicians for sure but most importantly I wanted to learn and play improvisations (jazz at those years) in the center of it, New York (USA).
I can't recommend everybody to go there and take a sit and play what you need to play. Because the capitalism is heavy there. Instead of going there with just for playing, you can make sure you can sit wherever you are and play what you need to play by learning and improving your thing. But going and staying in the USA would teach you some very basic things in this Life that's also something you would want to gain with yourself.
It's a very lonely place and what you do is plainly outside of your body which means if you are good at something people can directly see what you are good at in the beginning of a room and would react you in this way. It's a positive thinking country and not sure if you would need "drama" to get where you need to be but if you ask me, it's fast which is good and also would make you tired of something which is the dirty street, loudness and more the things like that.
The competitions between people is heavier than Turkey (my homeland) but it would also make you a very strong and sharpe one about the professions you do and the actions to take in your Life to become yourself and to be good at what you do.
As it's there on my biography (which I lived for that one page of paper), I went to Italy in 2007, then Berklee in 2009 and New York in 2010 and stayed there for 7 years. I'm not sure why stayed there that long and then putting myself together where I was born and coming back to music with new approaches would take years and years. It's great to have stories but I would prefer not to be awake this much maybe. Seeing great CTOs, CEOs, managing companies, building digital products, having awards from World-conducting places such as NASA or IBM; it's amazing. But nothing would give me what I find in the music and also making it. Making what I do is the richness of my Life and I'm always ready to share with others, the World. If we look at from that point the math and problem-solving points yes music is also as Chick was saying "a decision making process" and also yes it's a problem solving and continuously seeing/following/creating the big picture with your performing fingers and your writing pencil.
Going to USA gave me many things, the things more than I could imagine but took away my soul.
Thank you for reading a sad story today,
I'm writing all to make people gain time which also an individual can find in their own journey.
Don't be in the path of "being a big man! or lady!", be the "value" as Einstein says and then everything will become a great win for you.
Go after the value and the all perspectives of everything my friend.